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    الجمعة، 10 نوفمبر 2017

    Get Laughs With Prank Call Websites

    By Joseph Stevens

    There is no one who does not like a good laugh at the expense of a friend. Nothing mean or nasty, but something that promotes a good belly laugh while also helping your friend to take themselves less seriously. If looking for a good gag, start with prank call websites and see just how far you can take your closest bestie till they figure it out.

    Maybe you want to convince the lead Cheerleader that she is expecting. Perhaps you want to get your parents convinced that you have won an all-expense paid trip abroad, and they are not included in the deal. You can try these, or just get a friend Rick Rolled for the first time in a decade, while they are busy on the school library computer during a busy time.

    It is important to point out that pranking is about fun, not being mean, hurtful, or harmful. Friendships can be disrupted, or even destroyed by a poorly executed pranking that showed poor taste, so be aware of your subject matter. The idea is to have fun without going too far, which is why hiring a professional pranking artist is necessary.

    Naturally, there are apps available which will provide a nearly unlimited selection of recorded calls which you can try to trick your friends with. As part of the app, the number can come up as someone else. There are a few methods good pranksters use to conceal their numbers when calling people, but within these apps are the capability of making the call appear to come from themselves.

    Tricksters are encouraged to listen to the pranks on their apps in their entirety. While it may not always prepare them for how the ruse might go, it can provide them with pointers on methods to alter their voice. Ultimately, the idea is to be as believable as possible without anyone getting hurt.

    Online video sites also host an entire community devoted to inventing and executing the most creative pranks ever. With modern technology, one can weave a believable fable complete with supporting evidence or testimony. Be careful, however, as it is never a good idea to allow pranks to run on so long that the prankee becomes upset.

    Before cell phones we had the roaring 1980s wherein every kid from Tyler, Texas to Tim Buk Two could dial any stranger and attempt to play innocent pranks upon them. Young people now just do not know the pleasure of anonymity on a snow day out from school, with the parents at work. There was nothing quite like hearing a friend invite strangers to join the Mooneys, show up at K-Mark naked, and their robes and tambourines would be provided.

    There is a whole world of trickery available for the seasoned trickster comic to indulge on unsuspecting social media connections. Use this power wisely, and only for the fun and frivolity of everyone involved. Consider your targets carefully, and make sure no wounds are going to be opened or reopened by the topic of your pranks.

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