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    السبت، 8 أبريل 2017

    Search Online For Great Tea Recipes

    By Ann Edwards

    You can find great recipes online, ones that come from all over the world. Tea recipes range from American southern-style sweet tea to Indian chai. You will discover directions for the iced beverage served with almost every meal in Dixie and also find out how to make a delicate sauce for fish. There are all sorts of ways to use invigorating black teas or healthful, flavorful herbal ones.

    Sweet tea, with no redeeming health benefits at all but with a seductive taste and smoothness, has become a staple of fast food restaurants and even more elegant restaurants. This beverage requires more than a spoonful of sugar stirred in before drinking. Some experts make a sugar syrup which is then added to tea. Other tips say to add sugar to strong, hot tea and let steep until cool. Add more cool water to dilute it to taste.

    Variations on the traditional theme include adding orange and/or lemon juice to black teas for extra summer refreshment. Mint sprigs are a good addition, too. Herbal or spiced teas are delicious served cold. For a really different experience, try a warm, infused smoothie made with your favorite fruit.

    Teas of one kind or another have been drunk for centuries, and each region may have its particular favorite. Chai, which is an Indian word that simply means tea, is known in America as a spiced beverage made from black tea flavored with cardamon, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger. Other spices can be added to create special flavors of this 'masala' or spiced beverage. Experiment and come up with your own signature specialty.

    Another ancient drink is kombucha, or the divine tea mushroom. This is a cultured drink made from black or green teas and sugar. The culture is added and the whole allowed to ferment for a week or so. The result is a brew with a pleasing sweet taste that is rich in probiotics and believed to be very healthy. It is good alone or with food. Online sites tell how to get the starter culture and make plain or flavored brews. This drink is now sold commercially; look for it in the refrigerated natural foods section of your grocery store.

    Teas are used to flavor muffins, scones, and doughnuts. You can use them in main dishes or in frozen desserts. One good trick is to use an herbal variety, like apple cinnamon, instead of water when making oatmeal. You'll find tips for making jelly or for exotic things like infused eggs, a popular item in Chinese cities where they are sold by street vendors.

    Tea is technically from the camellia plant and originated in China. Today India is the largest producer, but it still has to import much of what it uses. Almost every region now has an industry, even the United States and England. The herbal 'infusions' of leaves or stems of flavorful or medicinal plants are not technically tea but this term has become almost universal for a hot brew that's not coffee.

    Check the blogs of hostesses who love to serve teas to their guests. The sites of tea companies are full of information on their products and how to use them in creative ways. The energy conscious should try sun tea. All you need is a large jar, four or five teabags, and a sunny day. No electricity or gas is required, just the power of the sun.

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