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    الجمعة، 24 مارس 2017

    The Value Of Stories About Overcoming Cancer

    By John McDonald

    Although we try not to think about it, most of us have secret fears about serious illness for ourselves or our loved ones. Cancer is one of the things no one wants to face. Stories about overcoming cancer offer encouragement, information, and hope. They are definitely more than just anecdotes. The experiences of sufferers and those who care for them have forged a community spirit that connects people all over the world.

    There are many testimonies. Some of the most powerful are told by families or friends of people who succumbed to the disease. However, they did so in a way that made such an impact on those left behind that they will never be forgotten. The courage with which these brave souls faced the end of life, pain, or other consequences make many 'normal' lives seem of little worth.

    Of course, everyone loves tales of triumphant recovery from the dread disease. Believing that one will get better is important when faced with drastic treatment, and knowing that others have been through it all and come out well is inspiring. It is also easier to undergo surgery and bear the side effects of chemo and radiation if you believe you'll get well in the end.

    Faith healing is well documented. There are many things doctors cannot explain in the annals of medicine. The Bible is full of healing episodes preformed by God (remember Hezikiah who was granted more years of life after falling sick and receiving word that he would die; he turned to God, who pitied his distress.) and during the earthly ministry of Jesus. The disciples of Jesus also healed many in His name. Elders of the church are instructed to lay hands on the sick and 'they will recover'.

    Part of the fascination people feel for television evangelists is based on tales of divine intervention. For those who believe, this is something promised and hoped for. All can use the daily support of prayer and expectation. Anything that helps get through the next day, or the next hour, is a good thing at times. It is a fact, too, that people with strong prayer support do better during treatment and recovery.

    Survivors and those who have lost a loved one join in walks to raise awareness and money for research for a final cure for cancer. Thousands support this effort by participating or sponsoring someone who will walk, by wearing pink, by donating to the cause, and by putting pink bows on their cars. Magazines and online posts offer healthy lifestyle tips and recipes. There are support groups for caregivers and those who are grieving.

    Some of the shared experiences serve as testimonials for treatment centers and hospital programs. There are photo galleries online, with survivors classified by type of illness suffered. This is not as creepy as it might sound; many doctors and hospitals have volunteer programs in which former patients come to encourage people about to undergo the same procedures. There are support groups for caregivers, too, as well as grief counseling.

    Above all, the accounts of those who have gone down this difficult road before can bring hope that good things can still happen even with cancer in the picture.

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